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Some of the products that I have created and are publicly available are the following.


  • The cluster and group catalogue for the DLS survey detected with the Bayesian Cluter Finder (Ascaso et al. 2014a, MNRAS, 439, 1980) is available here.

  • The cluster and group catalogue for the ALHAMBRA survey detected with the Bayesian Cluster Finder (Ascaso et al. 2015a, MNRAS, 452, 549) is available in this link.

  • The Euclid and LSST mock catalogues created with PhotReal based on the original Merson et al. Euclid wide 500 deg2 catalogues (Ascaso et al. 2015b, MNRAS, 453, 2515) are available in this link.

  • The Python code to perform bijective matching between two catalogues and compute completeness and purity afterwards (MCP) is available here.

  • You can find my Github here, where some other pieces of public code are appearing progressively.



If you are interested in using colaborating or using some non publicly available product, please contact me. Thanks!

Fig: Simulation of a galaxy cluster.

Credits: Kravtsov & Borgani 2012.

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